Success stories
Your satisfaction is the best testimony for our work. Doing what we love, we leave no place for disappointment nor discontent.
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After living in our house for 30 years, thinking about the selling process was overwhelming. Luckily, our neighbors were in the same situation and…
Selling my home of 30+ years was undoubtedly the hardest emotional and physical time of my life. I truly don't think I could have done it without…
Barb is not only friendly and a pleasure to work with, but she is extremely knowledgeable and knows how to get the job done. Whether you are looking…
Mary Andersen is a wonderful agent. She really does care about her clients. She was professional, caring, very detailed orientated and so easy to…
Mary is quick at helping you look at homes that are just listed. She is a very aggressive realtor who doesn't give up. I decided to buy before…
Barb was my hero realtor. I had already gone through two. One of which was related to me and she blew them both out of the water. She seemed like she…